Wednesday 18 March 2015

A week for African writers

The 18th Time of the writer festival is upon us and all students in KwaZulu Natal have received the chance to yet again meet and converse with African authors.

We usually give all our attention to authors like JK Rowling, Danielle Steel, Nicholas Sparks etc., so it is refreshing to have this time to focus on our own writers. People like Mandla Langa, Mzilikazi wa Africa and more.

The festival is usually based at the Sneddon theatre at the Howard Collage (University Of KwaZulu Natal) but they do visit other universities in Durban. On the 17th they were at the Durban University of Technology where I got to see the authors that were there. The authors were Mzilikazi wa Africa who has made a name for himself in the media industry. Also I got to meet Futhi Ntshingila and Margaret Von Klemperer who are both novelists.

It was such a privilege to meet such inspirational writers. I got inspired to focus more on one day writing my own novel to get my stories out to the world... but I am taking it a day at a time.

Every one must try to catch more authors at the Sneddon theatre by the end of this week (21st).

Monday 9 March 2015

Saddest weekend...

Anyone who knows me knows that I have mad love for August Alsina. Now for those that do not know, August is an R&B artist that is just absolutely amazing in my life.

Anyways I was lazily texting people the whole weekend about school stuff, the usual, then all of a sudden a bunch of my friends, just out of the blue, decided to ask whether or not I had heard that August Alsina passed away.

I honestly do not know where such a story came from but even on the so reliable twitter people were going crazy about the "death" of the star. I, for one, just could not deal with anyone who said this to me. I googled it so many times trying to figure out whether or not it is true but I am scared to say I don't know.

I do think that it would have been a bigger story if it were true but nonetheless the damage was done. I was sad the whole weekend, terrified that my favorite artist right now was no longer on this earth. This just shows how quick life is, and how unpredictable it could be.

Live every moment as if it were your last has always seemed like an impossible phrase but I think it is about time I took it seriously. Anything can happen. One minute I could be chilling with my friends drinking wine then the very next day I could be lying motionless in a morgue.

SO basically what I am saying is, thanks a lot to those who ruined my weekend and lastly, If you are reading this never forget to LIVE. You only get to do it once.
