Friday 22 May 2015

Stress trying to kill me

This year is proving to me daily that it wont end until I die.

I have no control over it because I clearly can not quit school,  I want to, God knows I want to quit but I cant. There is an unknown reason for all this suffering I just wish I knew what it is already. I don't even remember the last time I took a selfie. Not to mention just sitting on the couch thinking about what to watch on the television.

The life of a student is most times not seen to be difficult but I for one have come to see it. I congratulate all those who have graduated... the day seems too far for me.

Hopefully next week I'll have something legit to blog about but for now all I can say is, life is tough.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Decisions decisions...

There is something about having to make decisions that just depresses me, it is worse when the decision has to do with choosing one or the other. Why life cannot be easy, I do not know. I mean is it bad that a girl wants to have her cake and eat it too.
Life would be so much easier if I knew the outcome of either one of the outcomes of my decision beforehand. I need to know which one is best for me, the one that will lead to my happiness because at the end of the day we all want to be happy. I have been procrastinating this thing for weeks now but it’s time, I need to make up my mind about something that means the world to me.

I cannot get into the specifics about the decision I need to take because that alone will make me emotional and I have planned to make it without putting too much thought into it. I am only twenty one so I feel like if I do not take risks now then I never will.

It is going to hurt but I need to do this, after all making mistakes is what life is all about, and who’s to say the decision I take won’t be the best one I ever make??