Wednesday 8 June 2016

New beginnings for me

Is it just me or does new beginnings sound a little redundant? But it doesn't matter right now does it?
I have been MIA (Missing In Action) from the blogging scene lately mainly because no one is forcing me to blog anymore. I am officially out of campus and in the dreaded work place.
I am doing my internship with a motion picture company in South Africa. It Is quite a stretch from writing news articles all the time to focusing more on film but I have no doubt that I'll be able to do this and enjoy myself because that is what really matters.  
I never wanted to spend my six months doing something I would not enjoy, in the film industry I feel like I will enjoy myself more than I would anywhere else right now. So I am highly grateful to have gotten this opportunity.
But lets be honest here for a second, I only started working this week and I am very excited and all that but I haven't really settled in. I still feel a little out of place even though they have gone out of their way to make me feel comfortable.
I am just such an awkward human being. I must have hit my head a lot growing up.
Anyways I have been missing out so much on entertainment news and stuff which from now on I can not do being an official journalist and all. This weekend I am heading to The Playhouse, I'll fill you in on what happens there and my experience next week if I do not forget.
Lastly I keep giving myself mini goals to achieve; this month I just  want to mainly focus on myself and figuring out who I am because I need to find traits within myself that make me different from the next person. The industry is too big for me to go on being just a "young journalist." No way.