Sunday 5 April 2015

The Easter weekend it should have been

So each year I wait for the Easter weekend to come around, not just to show appreciation to the man above but for another slightly less serious reason.

I have had a crush on a guy from church for years now and usually what happens every Easter is that I see him and we have what I think is a moment... It could last two seconds and I would not mind as long as this ritual carries on. It keeps the spark alive you know?

Well not this year, I guess because I spent the whole week leading up to the Easter weekend getting excited about seeing him, I jinxed things and he did not come. Either that or because there were to many people at church I missed him. Whatever the reason, problem is I did not get to see him, and because I live far from where he lives the chances of me seeing him again before I leave for school are slim.

Regardless though I had a good weekend. I mean at the end of the day Easter is not about seeing ones crush right?


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