Thursday 16 April 2015

The most shocking interview

I used to watch Dr Phil with my mother ages ago but stopped as I never had the time to watch it. This changed recently as the interview he did with Nick Gordon the boyfriend of Bobbi Kristina Brown was trending on twitter.

I heard people calling it a 'must see' like some new movie so naturally I had to watch it. When I finally got around to doing so I was so shocked by what I saw. Now I realise that Dr Phil is really good at what he does but I personally do not think the interview or rather the intervention was supposed to be televised.

The young man was not only drunk but his emotional state was not of someone whose problems must be showed on TV. He is clearly going through a lot with the condition Bobbi Kristina is in. He somehow blames himself for not being able to help her or prevent the whole thing from happening, this was revealed on the interview. His mother was there and just like most people I caught myself wondering where she had been all this time, I had never even heard about her before the Dr Phil interview.

I fell like too much has been televised regarding the Houston's in general so this aspect should not have been especially with the state Bobbi Kristina is in. Nick was all over the place crying one minute than trying to keep himself together as he did not want to look 'weak' on TV. I was saddened by the whole thing and hope that Gordon went to the rehabilitation centre offered to him by Dr Phil and is hopefully getting the help he needs.

If I learned anything from watching the intervention it is that life is hard enough when one is not famous, I cannot imagine what it is like to be in the shoes of Nick Jordan and do not wish to.

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