Tuesday 14 July 2015

When the holiday ends

Being home was like being in rehab the past three weeks and I mean that in the best way ever.

University is busy and is a rush, I always have to hand an assignment in or have to go chasing someone down for a story and when I do get a break, scarcely, all I can think about is when the next assignment is due. Basically I never have the time to just sit down and think, take a break and just not worry about anything. I guess only children get to do that now.

But being at home helped me get away. I was away from the rush, the unhealthy food, unhealthy habits, loud corridors just everything. I was in the peaceful space of the house that I grew up in and quite frankly it is exactly what I needed. I wish the holiday could have been longer in fact because the work I did just on myself was rewarding. but now I'm back to stressing and that suffocating feeling is coming back. The fact that the second semester is shorter and we have to finish everything in order to pass is making me suffocate faster.


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